Concrete constructions - general rules
Code EN 1992-1-1
Category Concrete constructions
File name files in Concrete group
Publisher Nemetschek Scia
Publishing date 31. 3. 2012
Check description general information about concrete


Table 2.1N: Partial coefficients of material in ULS

Cases γc for concrete γs for reinforcement γs for prestressed reinforcement
permanent, variable 1,5 1,15 1,15
accidental 1,2 1,0 1,0

Table 3.1: Strength and deform characteristics of conrete and remarks

remark1: fcm = fck + 8 (MPa)
remar3: fctk;0,05 = 0,7 * fctm (5%)
remark4: fctk;0,95 = 1,3 * fctm (95%)
remark5: (fcm in MPa)
remark6: see picture 3.2,
remark7: see picture 3.2, (fck>=50MPa)
remark8: see picture 3.3, (fck>=50MPa)
remark9: see picture 3.3, (fck>=50MPa)
remark11: see picture 3.4, (fck>=50MPa)
remark12: see picture 3.4, (fck>=50MPa)

3.1.6: Design compression and tension strength

(1)P Design concrete compression strength is defined by formula (3.15)

where γcis partial factor of conctrete, see;

          αcc coefficient taking account of long term effects on the compressive strength

remark - αcc is defined by national annex, it maybe 0,8 - 1,0, recommended value is 1 (NP12)

(2)P Design concrete tension strenght is defined by formula (3.16)

where γc is partial factor of conctrete, see;
          αct coefficient taking account of long term effects on the tensile strength

remark - value αct is defined by national annex, recommended value is 1 (NP13)